Monday, March 9

Who said the 2's were terrible???

Who said the 2's were terrible? 3-year olds can throw quite a tantrum! I can hardly believe my little Ellie is almost 3 1/2 years old....going on 13. She is about 38 inches tall and weighs 34 pounds. She loves makeup(when I let her wear some lip gloss or some clear nail polish), hates having her hair done and loves to wear pretty dresses. She says she's only bonita when wearing a dress(I think that has to do with the "twirl" factor). She speaks very well; well, at least I can understand her most of the time. She likes to play with her girlfriends Bailey and Yasmine. She also loves Play-doh and cartoons...especially Dora, Max and Ruby and Caillou. She is a very picky eater. Although she likes Mac-N-Cheese, quesadillas and granola bars, she's not fond of any green veggie or fruit except for apples. In spite of all the growth and new discoveries this year, she has quite the little temperment. She knows how to push mommy's buttons and how to get daddy to give her anything she wants. LOL! I know she knows my name after all the "mommy mommy mommy's". She is very smart and loves to dance. Even though I am surely not the greatest singer, she loves when I sing to her each night and scratch her back while she falls asleep. In spite of having a little one wear me out each day, I am greatly blessed to have here. She makes me so happy....she really is a miracle in my life. For anyone wondering(and because I'm tired of having people asking me), we are waiting on The Man Upstairs to bless us with another little one and therefore only have Ellie and no other children.